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A captivating blend of white and yellow roses intermingled with verdant greenery, forming a vibrant and cheerful bouquet that exudes the radiance of a new day's dawn, evoking a sense of joy and optimism, perfect for uplifting the spirits and infusing any space with a burst of lively and refreshing energy.
Delightful Dawn bouquet
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 7.5 Boni
Solidago - 3 Stk. White rose - 8 Stk. white baby rose - 2 Stk. white lily - 1 Stk. white hydrengea - 1 Stk. white cornations - 2 Stk.
A captivating blend of white and yellow roses intermingled with verdant greenery, forming a vibrant and cheerful bouquet that exudes the radiance of a new day's dawn, evoking a sense of joy and optimism, perfect for uplifting the spirits and infusing any space with a burst of lively and refreshing energy.
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