Discover the vibrancy of this bouquet, featuring bright Sophia Lauren roses, airy hydrangeas, and resilient alstroemerias. This bouquet is your chance to bring joy and freshness to those you cherish. Each flower in this arrangement is like a note in the music of emotions, creating an atmosphere of coziness and sophistication.
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Bouquet with French Roses and Hydrangea-1881
- 2 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supershop. Supershops sind Shops mit hervorragenden Bewertungen, die ihr Bestes geben, um einen hochwertigen Kundenservice zu bieten.
Eucalyptus - 1 Stk. Hydrangea - 1 Stk. Wrapping - 1 Stk. carnation pink - 3 Stk. pink alstroemeria - 2 Stk. rose sophia lauren - 3 Stk.
- Breite - 35 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
Discover the vibrancy of this bouquet, featuring bright Sophia Lauren roses, airy hydrangeas, and resilient alstroemerias. This bouquet is your chance to bring joy and freshness to those you cherish. Each flower in this arrangement is like a note in the music of emotions, creating an atmosphere of coziness and sophistication.
7021 Rating • 6479 Käufe
Ratings und bewertungen
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
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