Brighten up any occasion with our bouquet, featuring a delightful mix of pink gerberas, white chrysanthemums, and pink roses. This charming arrangement exudes joy and elegance, making it a perfect gift for any celebration. Pink gerberas symbolize admiration and gratitude, while white chrysanthemums represent purity and honesty. The pink roses add a touch of romance and appreciation, creating a harmonious blend of beauty and sentiment. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, the bouquet is designed to impress and enchant. Whether youre celebrating a birthday, expressing your love, or simply bringing a smile to someones face, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
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Bouquet with Chrysanthemums and Gerberas
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Satin ribbon - 1 Stk. Gerbera - 3 Stk. design packaging - 3 Stk. bush chrysanthemum - 3 Stk. tissue paper - 1 Stk. roses - 5 Stk.
- Breite - 25 cm
- Höhe - 30 cm
Brighten up any occasion with our bouquet, featuring a delightful mix of pink gerberas, white chrysanthemums, and pink roses. This charming arrangement exudes joy and elegance, making it a perfect gift for any celebration. Pink gerberas symbolize admiration and gratitude, while white chrysanthemums represent purity and honesty. The pink roses add a touch of romance and appreciation, creating a harmonious blend of beauty and sentiment. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, the bouquet is designed to impress and enchant. Whether youre celebrating a birthday, expressing your love, or simply bringing a smile to someones face, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
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