This is a bouquet of 8 red roses, 1 white lily and 1 white carnation wrapped in premium grey paper with black borders finished off with a red ribbon.
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Blushing Beauty Bouquet
- 2 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
white lily - 1 Stk. white carnation - 1 Stk. red roses - 8 Stk.
This is a bouquet of 8 red roses, 1 white lily and 1 white carnation wrapped in premium grey paper with black borders finished off with a red ribbon.
84 Ratings • 111 Käufe
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Jan. 2025
Jan. 2025
Jan. 2025
Half of flowers come smaller than I paid for, and about half of pocket fall down in the next day, seems like they made mix between old and new ones!!!!
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