This exquisite arrangement perfectly balances the rich blue tones of the irises with the crisp white roses, creating a harmonious and visually striking bouquet. Perfect for any occasion, from joyous celebrations to thoughtful gestures, this bouquet speaks of elegance and grace. Each bloom is carefully selected and artfully arranged to ensure a breathtaking presentation that will leave a lasting impression
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Blue Irises and White Roses
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Satin ribbon - 2 Stk. Pistachio - 5 Stk. rose - 9 Stk. iris blue magic - 18 Stk. design packaging - 8 Stk. eucalyptus - - 4 Stk.
- Breite - 45 cm
- Höhe - 55 cm
This exquisite arrangement perfectly balances the rich blue tones of the irises with the crisp white roses, creating a harmonious and visually striking bouquet. Perfect for any occasion, from joyous celebrations to thoughtful gestures, this bouquet speaks of elegance and grace. Each bloom is carefully selected and artfully arranged to ensure a breathtaking presentation that will leave a lasting impression
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