This bouquet of blue hydrangeas and pink eustoma is like a gentle morning in the garden, when the first rays of the sun caress each flower, awakening them from their sleep. Blue hydrangeas give the composition a special charm and mystery - as if drops of morning dew are hidden between their juicy petals. Pink eustoma adds a note of romance and elegance, like the dance of butterflies in the meadow on a warm summer day. This bouquet embodies tenderness and beauty, it seems to tell a story about love and hope, about how two beautiful flowers meet together and create magic in every detail.
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Blue Hydrangeas and Pink Eustoma Bouquet
- 2 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
packaging - 1 Stk. hydrangea blue - 7 Stk. eustoma pink - 4 Stk.
- Breite - 40 cm
- Höhe - 45 cm
This bouquet of blue hydrangeas and pink eustoma is like a gentle morning in the garden, when the first rays of the sun caress each flower, awakening them from their sleep. Blue hydrangeas give the composition a special charm and mystery - as if drops of morning dew are hidden between their juicy petals. Pink eustoma adds a note of romance and elegance, like the dance of butterflies in the meadow on a warm summer day. This bouquet embodies tenderness and beauty, it seems to tell a story about love and hope, about how two beautiful flowers meet together and create magic in every detail.
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