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Delicately composed, this exquisite bouquet showcases a harmonious blend of Hydrangeas, wax flowers, spray roses, and roses, each bearing a gentle hue. Meticulously arranged by a skilled artisan, the blossoms intertwine with one another, forming a captivating masterpiece. Adorned with tender care, the bouquet is lovingly wrapped and bestowed upon its recipient, a heartfelt token of affection.
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 7.35 Boni
hydrangea white - 2 Stk. gypso - 3 Stk. spray roses white - 4 Stk. roses pink - 5 Stk. spray roses pink - 4 Stk.
- Breite - 35 cm
- Höhe - 40 cm
Delicately composed, this exquisite bouquet showcases a harmonious blend of Hydrangeas, wax flowers, spray roses, and roses, each bearing a gentle hue. Meticulously arranged by a skilled artisan, the blossoms intertwine with one another, forming a captivating masterpiece. Adorned with tender care, the bouquet is lovingly wrapped and bestowed upon its recipient, a heartfelt token of affection.
Ratings und bewertungen
Mai 2023 • Google maps bewertung
شكرا على التجهيز الممتاز
Nov. 2023 • Google maps bewertung
Отличный салон цветов, очень милые сотрудники. Сделали отличный торт и букет цветов. Рекомендую
Okt. 2023 • Google maps bewertung
Это прекрасный магазин цветов! Всегда тут беру цветы 🔥🔥🔥
Februar 2023 • Google maps bewertung
beautiful flowers
Mai 2023 • Google maps bewertung
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