The bouquet is in a laconic mono-bouquet, decorated in beautiful packaging. Such a bouquet is always appropriate and suitable for any occasion: birthday, name day, wedding anniversary, birth of a child, March 8, Valentine's Day, graduation, etc. It can be given to your mother, sister, girlfriend, colleague, teacher. , beloved
Dieser Artikel ist vorübergehend nicht auf Lager
51 rose
- 5 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
rose - 51 Stk. ribbon satin - 2 Stk. eucalyptus leaves - 3 Stk. kraft black - 2 Stk. tishue - 2 Stk.
- Breite - 45 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
The bouquet is in a laconic mono-bouquet, decorated in beautiful packaging. Such a bouquet is always appropriate and suitable for any occasion: birthday, name day, wedding anniversary, birth of a child, March 8, Valentine's Day, graduation, etc. It can be given to your mother, sister, girlfriend, colleague, teacher. , beloved
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