A charming romantic basket arrangement featuring 4 radiant sunflowers, 3 delicate peach roses, and 3 passionate red roses. Paired with indulgent treats, including two Lindt Swiss Classic Milk Chocolate bars (100g each) and a Lindt Excellence Orange Intense Chocolate bar (100g), and complemented by two red scented candles. This basket exudes warmth, love, and sweetness, making it the perfect gift for a romantic celebration.
Stock confirmed 2 h 50 min ago
Golden Glow Romance Basket
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- GARDEN OF EDEN FLOWERS - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Red rose: 3 Basket: 1 Peach rose: 3 Sun flower: 4 Lindt sississ classic milk chocolate bars (100gm): 2 Lindt excellence orange intense chocolate bar (100g): 1 Red scented candle: 2
- Width - 40 cm
- Height - 40 cm
Garden of eden
A charming romantic basket arrangement featuring 4 radiant sunflowers, 3 delicate peach roses, and 3 passionate red roses. Paired with indulgent treats, including two Lindt Swiss Classic Milk Chocolate bars (100g each) and a Lindt Excellence Orange Intense Chocolate bar (100g), and complemented by two red scented candles. This basket exudes warmth, love, and sweetness, making it the perfect gift for a romantic celebration.
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