A delightful Christmas box arrangement featuring lush Nobilis greenery, vibrant red cherries, sparkling Christmas ball and bell ornaments, and a radiant red candle at its center. This elegant design brings warmth and festive charm, making it a perfect gift or centerpiece to celebrate the holiday season.
Festive Glow Box
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- Rose Charms DMCC - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Box: 1 Nobilis: 4 Red candle: 1 Red cherry: 5 Christmas ball and bell ornaments: 7
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 25 cm
Rose charm, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
A delightful Christmas box arrangement featuring lush Nobilis greenery, vibrant red cherries, sparkling Christmas ball and bell ornaments, and a radiant red candle at its center. This elegant design brings warmth and festive charm, making it a perfect gift or centerpiece to celebrate the holiday season.
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