Digər müştərilər də axtarıblar
Orchids are also believed to bring good luck and Prosperity. White Phalaenopsis Orchids Mean Thoughtfullness, Refinement, Fertility, Beauty, Charm and Love. They are the perfect bloom to Celebrate all of life's Precious Moments. Your Gift Contains :
Baxım təlimatları
The plant should be watered once a week and kept in AC
White orchid
- çatdırılma qiymətini öyrənəcəyik
- 9 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
- Alın 7.2 bonuslar
Suvarma tezliyi
1 dəfə həftə
- Genişlik - 40 sm
- Hündürlük - 50 sm
Orchids are also believed to bring good luck and Prosperity. White Phalaenopsis Orchids Mean Thoughtfullness, Refinement, Fertility, Beauty, Charm and Love. They are the perfect bloom to Celebrate all of life's Precious Moments. Your Gift Contains :
Baxım təlimatları
The plant should be watered once a week and kept in AC
145 rəylər • 109 alış-veriş
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Шикарные цветы! Очень довольна качеством обслуживания!
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Mart 2025
Отличная корзина цветов. Точь в точь. Спасибо!!!
Rachel Arif
Fevral 2025
Lovely plants and courteous, helpful delivery drivers. Thank you!
Yanvar 2025
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