Let the beauty of these roses convey your love and admiration in a truly memorable way. The bouquet is delicately hand-wrapped in newspaper and adorned with a jute lace ribbon. This enchanting arrangement offers a timeless yet contemporary aesthetic, perfect for conveying heartfelt sentiments on any occasion. The newspaper wrapping adds a unique and eco-friendly touch, while the jute lace ribbon adds a rustic yet elegant flair. Each pristine white rose symbolizes purity, innocence, and new beginnings, making it an ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a gesture of appreciation.
Bu məhsul müvəqqəti olaraq stokda yoxdur
Vintage Charm White Rose Bouquet
- 3 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
Eucalyptus - 2 ədəd roses white - 10 ədəd
- Genişlik - 20 sm
- Hündürlük - 25 sm
Let the beauty of these roses convey your love and admiration in a truly memorable way. The bouquet is delicately hand-wrapped in newspaper and adorned with a jute lace ribbon. This enchanting arrangement offers a timeless yet contemporary aesthetic, perfect for conveying heartfelt sentiments on any occasion. The newspaper wrapping adds a unique and eco-friendly touch, while the jute lace ribbon adds a rustic yet elegant flair. Each pristine white rose symbolizes purity, innocence, and new beginnings, making it an ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a gesture of appreciation.
351 rəylər • 333 alış-verişlər
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