This exquisite bouquet is a heartfelt expression of love. With 1 Pink hydrangea, 4 Pink Julieta spray roses, and 2 stems of gypsophila, its a beautiful arrangement that captures the essence of romance. Each bloom is carefully arranged to create a stunning display that will leave a lasting impression on your special someone. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any occasion where you want to show your love and affection.
Bu məhsul müvəqqəti olaraq stokda yoxdur
Sweet heart Bouquet
- 4 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
Pink rose - 4 ədəd pink hydrangea - 2 ədəd
- Genişlik - 14 sm
- Hündürlük - 14 sm
This exquisite bouquet is a heartfelt expression of love. With 1 Pink hydrangea, 4 Pink Julieta spray roses, and 2 stems of gypsophila, its a beautiful arrangement that captures the essence of romance. Each bloom is carefully arranged to create a stunning display that will leave a lasting impression on your special someone. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any occasion where you want to show your love and affection.
86 rəylər • 52 alış-verişlər
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