Digər müştərilər də axtarıblar
Discover the perfect blend of elegance and charm with our Romantic White Rose and Pink Peony Rose Delight. This exquisite bouquet features pristine white roses and delicate pink peony roses, elegantly wrapped to highlight their timeless beauty. Enhanced by the soft blush of pink dianthus and the subtle green hues of pistachio foliage, this arrangement is designed to captivate and enchant. Ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet radiates grace and romance, making it a memorable gift for someone you cherish.
Mövcudluq təsdiqləndi 2 saat 5 dəq əvvəl
Romantic White Rose and Pink Peony Rose Delight-1983
- çatdırılma qiymətini öyrənəcəyik
- 7 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
- Alın 6.45 bonuslar
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Super mağaza. Super mağazalar yüksək keyfiyyətli müştəri xidməti təklif etmək üçün əllərindən gələni edən əla rəyləri olan mağazalardır.
Pistachio - 4 ədəd dianthus - 3 ədəd design packaging - 1 ədəd peony spray rose - 3 ədəd peony rose white - 3 ədəd
- Genişlik - 25 sm
- Hündürlük - 40 sm
Discover the perfect blend of elegance and charm with our Romantic White Rose and Pink Peony Rose Delight. This exquisite bouquet features pristine white roses and delicate pink peony roses, elegantly wrapped to highlight their timeless beauty. Enhanced by the soft blush of pink dianthus and the subtle green hues of pistachio foliage, this arrangement is designed to captivate and enchant. Ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet radiates grace and romance, making it a memorable gift for someone you cherish.
7623 rəylər • 6976 alış-veriş
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I’ve ordered the for my friends birthday. They were really wonderful. Not exactly on the photo but still very beautiful +delivered on time. Thank you so much for a great service. My friend loved them.
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