Digər müştərilər də axtarıblar
Presenting a classy ensemble of Flowers in a Basket, this product has been thoughtfully assembled with 11 stunning Red Roses, adding a dash of affection and passion in each petal. Coupled with the roses, we have also included 6 exotic Eucalyptus Leaves, bringing in a touch of wilderness to this gentle composition. To cap it off, the demurely splendid arrangement is housed in a quaintly elegant Brown Bag, standing as a testament to simplicity and charm. This product serves as the perfect tribute to love and nature, carefully crafted to fill your surroundings with an enchanting aura!
Mövcudluq təsdiqləndi 2 saat 45 dəq əvvəl
Red Rose Flower Bag
- çatdırılma qiymətini öyrənəcəyik
- 4 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
- Alın 3.22 bonus
eucalyptus leaves - 6 ədəd brown bag - 1 ədəd red roses - 11 ədəd
- Genişlik - 35 sm
- Hündürlük - 45 sm
La vida flowers and gifts, Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirlikləri
Mənşə ölkəsi
Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirlikləri
Presenting a classy ensemble of Flowers in a Basket, this product has been thoughtfully assembled with 11 stunning Red Roses, adding a dash of affection and passion in each petal. Coupled with the roses, we have also included 6 exotic Eucalyptus Leaves, bringing in a touch of wilderness to this gentle composition. To cap it off, the demurely splendid arrangement is housed in a quaintly elegant Brown Bag, standing as a testament to simplicity and charm. This product serves as the perfect tribute to love and nature, carefully crafted to fill your surroundings with an enchanting aura!
243 rəylər • 168 alış-veriş
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