Immerse yourself in a world blooming with sophistication with our Florists Specials. This arrangement is a harmonious blend of three blush hydrangeas, five charming pink carnations, three pristine white hydrangeas, two alluring purple hydrangeas, four petite bombastic spray roses, and three striking purple orchids. Each flower is hand-selected, demonstrating their unique beauty. Gorgeous as a centerpiece, perfect for gifting, and ideal for any occasion, this floral selection is truly a feast for the eyes.
in_stock_confirmed 85 dəq əvvəl
Purple Glitz
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 1 person neofront/1_added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 17.47 5bonus
hydrangea pink - 3 ədəd carnation pink - 5 ədəd hydrangea white - 3 ədəd hydrangea purple - 2 ədəd bombastic spray rose - 4 ədəd purple orchids - 3 ədəd
- Genişlik - 70 sm
- Hündürlük - 70 sm
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Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirlikləri
Immerse yourself in a world blooming with sophistication with our Florists Specials. This arrangement is a harmonious blend of three blush hydrangeas, five charming pink carnations, three pristine white hydrangeas, two alluring purple hydrangeas, four petite bombastic spray roses, and three striking purple orchids. Each flower is hand-selected, demonstrating their unique beauty. Gorgeous as a centerpiece, perfect for gifting, and ideal for any occasion, this floral selection is truly a feast for the eyes.