Digər müştərilər də axtarıblar
Sweetly scented and pleasing to the eyes, this special bouquet from our Florists Specials collection is composed of eight delightful Pink Spray Baby Roses, subtly complemented by four radiant Firework Baby Roses. Embodying tenderness and warmth, this exquisite arrangement is just what you need to express love, gratitude, or simple appreciation. Embrace the charm of baby roses and make any day a beautifully memorable one.
Mövcudluq təsdiqləndi 100 dəq əvvəl
Pink Spray Baby Rose
- çatdırılma qiymətini öyrənəcəyik
- Alın 5.55 bonuslar
Eucalyptus - 8 ədəd pink white rose - 6 ədəd pink spray baby rose - 8 ədəd firework baby rose - 4 ədəd
- Genişlik - 45 sm
- Hündürlük - 40 sm
Sweetly scented and pleasing to the eyes, this special bouquet from our Florists Specials collection is composed of eight delightful Pink Spray Baby Roses, subtly complemented by four radiant Firework Baby Roses. Embodying tenderness and warmth, this exquisite arrangement is just what you need to express love, gratitude, or simple appreciation. Embrace the charm of baby roses and make any day a beautifully memorable one.
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