Our exquisite bouquet features 20 lush pink peonies, each bloom showcasing layers of delicate petals that exude elegance and grace. Handpicked at their peak, these peonies offer a sweet, subtle fragrance, filling any space with natural beauty. The soft pink hues create a romantic and enchanting ambiance, perfect for special occasions or as a charming gift. Arranged with care, this bouquet is a stunning display of nature’s splendor, sure to delight and impress anyone who receives it.
in_stock_confirmed 105 dəq əvvəl
Love Bomb
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- 1 person neofront/1_added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 20.97 5bonus
- FlowerBouquets - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
pink peony - 20 ədəd
- Genişlik - 30 sm
- Hündürlük - 40 sm
Our exquisite bouquet features 20 lush pink peonies, each bloom showcasing layers of delicate petals that exude elegance and grace. Handpicked at their peak, these peonies offer a sweet, subtle fragrance, filling any space with natural beauty. The soft pink hues create a romantic and enchanting ambiance, perfect for special occasions or as a charming gift. Arranged with care, this bouquet is a stunning display of nature’s splendor, sure to delight and impress anyone who receives it.
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