The Graceful Harmony bouquet is an exquisite display of elegance and balance. Housed in a luxurious pink box, this arrangement beautifully contrasts soft white Ohara roses on one side with rich pink Ohara roses on the other, symbolizing the union of purity and passion. Delicate peach carnations weave through the blooms, adding warmth and charm to the arrangement, while hydrangea forms a lush and voluminous base, providing texture and depth. Perfect for special celebrations, this premium bouquet radiates sophistication and timeless beauty, making it an ideal choice for expressing deep sentiments and admiration.
Bu məhsul müvəqqəti olaraq stokda yoxdur
Graceful Harmony
- 4 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
Box - 1 ədəd pink o'hara - 6 ədəd white ohara - 5 ədəd pink hydrangea - 1 ədəd peach carnation - 6 ədəd
- Genişlik - 40 sm
- Hündürlük - 38 sm
The Graceful Harmony bouquet is an exquisite display of elegance and balance. Housed in a luxurious pink box, this arrangement beautifully contrasts soft white Ohara roses on one side with rich pink Ohara roses on the other, symbolizing the union of purity and passion. Delicate peach carnations weave through the blooms, adding warmth and charm to the arrangement, while hydrangea forms a lush and voluminous base, providing texture and depth. Perfect for special celebrations, this premium bouquet radiates sophistication and timeless beauty, making it an ideal choice for expressing deep sentiments and admiration.
125 rəylər • 147 alış-veriş
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Patrik Johansson
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