This bouquet epitomises tenderness and elegance. Its composition includes pink carnations with their exquisite fragrance, beautiful lisianthus (eustoma) with their many delicate petals, eucalyptus which adds freshness and texture to the bouquet, and bombastic roses - large roses of a juicy shade that give it brightness. The bouquet will make a wonderful gift for any occasion.
Bu məhsul müvəqqəti olaraq stokda yoxdur
Garden Whispers
- 10 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
Ribbon - 1 ədəd Eucalyptus - 2 ədəd Eustoma white - 2 ədəd Pistachio - 1 ədəd paper - 1 ədəd pink carnation - 3 ədəd bombastic rose - 1 ədəd tissue paper - 1 ədəd rice flower - 1 ədəd delphiniummathiola - 1 ədəd
- Genişlik - 25 sm
- Hündürlük - 35 sm
This bouquet epitomises tenderness and elegance. Its composition includes pink carnations with their exquisite fragrance, beautiful lisianthus (eustoma) with their many delicate petals, eucalyptus which adds freshness and texture to the bouquet, and bombastic roses - large roses of a juicy shade that give it brightness. The bouquet will make a wonderful gift for any occasion.
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