This exquisite arrangement from our Florists Specials is a union of elegance and delicacy. The bouquet features a single, ethereal lily complemented by a symphony of 9 revival pink roses and 9 light pink roses, each bloom handpicked and arranged with the utmost care. Wisps of baby breath, 2 in number, add a touch of whimsy, creating an overall aesthetic thats gentle and compelling - a beautiful gift that speaks volumes about your sentiments. Whether youre wishing well or expressing love, this bouquet is sure to impress.
Məhsul stokda yoxdur
Anna Bouquet
Lily - 1 ədəd light pink rose - 9 ədəd baby breath - 2 ədəd revival pink roses. - 9 ədəd
- Genişlik - 50 sm
- Hündürlük - 50 sm
This exquisite arrangement from our Florists Specials is a union of elegance and delicacy. The bouquet features a single, ethereal lily complemented by a symphony of 9 revival pink roses and 9 light pink roses, each bloom handpicked and arranged with the utmost care. Wisps of baby breath, 2 in number, add a touch of whimsy, creating an overall aesthetic thats gentle and compelling - a beautiful gift that speaks volumes about your sentiments. Whether youre wishing well or expressing love, this bouquet is sure to impress.
179 rəylər • 177 alış-veriş
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