Bouquet of mixed flowers with wrapped in a natural paper wrapping and tied with ribbon. All flowers will be very fresh and in the bud stage or semi bloomed. Flowers will be fully bloomed later when you keep in the water. Change the water everyday and cut slightly in the bottom in every two days
Bu məhsul müvəqqəti olaraq stokda yoxdur
All the trimmings
- 3 şəxs məhsulu öz kolleksiyalarına əlavə etdi
Ribbon - 1 ədəd Chrysanthemum - 8 ədəd White rose - 9 ədəd natural wrapping paper - 4 ədəd mathiola white - 5 ədəd
- Genişlik - 30 sm
- Hündürlük - 50 sm
Bouquet of mixed flowers with wrapped in a natural paper wrapping and tied with ribbon. All flowers will be very fresh and in the bud stage or semi bloomed. Flowers will be fully bloomed later when you keep in the water. Change the water everyday and cut slightly in the bottom in every two days
636 rəylər • 496 alış-veriş
Rəylər və rəylər
Mart 2024
It was so fresh flower with so bright fragrance! I like this shop
Bu həftə
Bu həftə
Fevral 2025
Fevral 2025
Very unsatisfied with delivery that was late for 3 hours and with the quality, that did not match the photo.
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