Brighten any occasion with our delightful 9 Yellow Roses Bouquet with Eucalyptus. This cheerful arrangement features nine radiant yellow roses, symbolizing friendship, joy, and new beginnings, beautifully complemented by fresh eucalyptus for added texture and fragrance. Product Details: 9 Yellow Roses, eucalyptus, elegantly arranged to enhance any setting, perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or as a thoughtful gift. The vibrant yellow roses bring warmth and positivity, making this bouquet an ideal choice for anniversaries, graduations, or simply to express your appreciation. The eucalyptus not only enhances the bouquets visual appeal but also adds a refreshing aroma, creating a lovely sensory experience. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we pride ourselves on using only the freshest flowers to ensure that your arrangement stays stunning and vibrant for days. Share the beauty and joy of this lovely bouquet with someone special or treat yourself to a burst of sunshine!
in_stock_confirmed 65 dəq əvvəl
9 Yellow Roses Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 14.9 5bonus
Ribbon - 1 ədəd Eucalyptus - 3 ədəd wrapping paper - 4 ədəd roses - 9 ədəd
- Genişlik - 30 sm
- Hündürlük - 50 sm
Brighten any occasion with our delightful 9 Yellow Roses Bouquet with Eucalyptus. This cheerful arrangement features nine radiant yellow roses, symbolizing friendship, joy, and new beginnings, beautifully complemented by fresh eucalyptus for added texture and fragrance. Product Details: 9 Yellow Roses, eucalyptus, elegantly arranged to enhance any setting, perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or as a thoughtful gift. The vibrant yellow roses bring warmth and positivity, making this bouquet an ideal choice for anniversaries, graduations, or simply to express your appreciation. The eucalyptus not only enhances the bouquets visual appeal but also adds a refreshing aroma, creating a lovely sensory experience. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we pride ourselves on using only the freshest flowers to ensure that your arrangement stays stunning and vibrant for days. Share the beauty and joy of this lovely bouquet with someone special or treat yourself to a burst of sunshine!
6506 reviews_3 • 6032 neofront/purchases2
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Отличный сервис, качественный товар! Перед доставкой, попросил изменить экспозицию, оперативно отреагировали и изменили, даже на цветы дороже. И при этом не увеличив сумму. Респект! Любимой понравился букет! Всем рекомендую!
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Nice Thank
Yanvar 2025
Im so glad i used this shop, the entire process of placing an order to delivery was seamless despite not even being in the continent. Lovely!
Yanvar 2025
Отличный магазин, фото соответствует реальности, спасибо! Букет очень понравился!