Make a bold and unforgettable statement with the Endless Passion 201 Red Roses Bouquet. This lavish arrangement of 201 deep red roses symbolizes deep love, devotion, and admiration, making it the perfect choice for anniversaries, proposals, or any occasion where words alone arent enough. Each rose has been carefully selected for its beauty and vibrancy, creating a bouquet that radiates elegance and romance. Show your special someone how much they mean to you with the Endless Passion 201 Red Roses Bouquet—a stunning expression of love that will leave them speechless.
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Endless Passion 201 Red Roses Bouquet
Red rose - 201 ədəd Box - 1 ədəd
- Genişlik - 45 sm
- Hündürlük - 45 sm
Garden of eden
Make a bold and unforgettable statement with the Endless Passion 201 Red Roses Bouquet. This lavish arrangement of 201 deep red roses symbolizes deep love, devotion, and admiration, making it the perfect choice for anniversaries, proposals, or any occasion where words alone arent enough. Each rose has been carefully selected for its beauty and vibrancy, creating a bouquet that radiates elegance and romance. Show your special someone how much they mean to you with the Endless Passion 201 Red Roses Bouquet—a stunning expression of love that will leave them speechless.
430 rəylər • 452 alış-verişlər
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Sent different flowers, not the one that I have ordered. Delivered only on the next day. Waiting for the full refund.
Mart 2025
Mart 2025
Mart 2025
Mart 2025
not on time not on time after delay no communication
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