Bond, James Bond. I love this Bond movie with Daniel Craig Spectre. And this style cakes give me associations with Bond movies. Since the cake is two-tiered, you can choose 2 flavors. And suit color we can change it according to the customers wishes
Mövcudluq təsdiqləndi bu gün
Tuxedo suit two-tiered men s cake
- çatdırılma qiymətini öyrənəcəyik
- 1 şəxs məhsulu kolleksiyalarınıza əlavə edin
Egg, flour, milk, butter, sugar, chocolate, cream cheese, mascarpone, cow milk whipping cream, fondant OUR PRODUCTS MAY CONTAIN SOME OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING COMMON FOOD ALLERGENS: MILK, EGGS, PEANUTS, TREE NUTS, AND WHEAT.
- Genişlik - 16 sm
- Hündürlük - 20 sm
Məhsulun çəkisi
3500 qr.
İstehsalçı, Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirlikləri
Mənşə ölkəsi
Birləşmiş Ərəb Əmirlikləri
Bond, James Bond. I love this Bond movie with Daniel Craig Spectre. And this style cakes give me associations with Bond movies. Since the cake is two-tiered, you can choose 2 flavors. And suit color we can change it according to the customers wishes
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